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Hail Season and Your Roof, When to Call the Professionals

Hail Season and Your Roof, When to Call the Professionals

Hail season will begin any moment in Denver, Colorado. Did you know that your roof can suffer hail damage, needing repairs while going unnoticed? Even small hailstones can damage your home’s roof or covering and other personal items. Although hailstorms may be devastating, the extent of damage varies widely. The most common elements that create roof damage are:

  • The wind.
  • The size of the hailstones.
  • The materials utilized on the existing roof. 

First, the wind direction and speed can change during a hailstorm. Wind factors can influence the location and severity of hail hits. The size of the hailstones significantly affects the extent of damage to your property, if any. A hailstone can range in size from a pea to a softball. Because most hailstones do not have smooth edges, the sort of damage they produce varies.  

Ultimately, different building materials absorb hail impacts at different levels. Hail can dent aluminum siding, gutters, or asphalt shingles, and it can also break vinyl siding or wood shakes. On the other hand, softball-sized hailstones can be heavy and powerful enough to pierce a roof. Furthermore, the age and condition of the roof significantly affect the amount of damage received.  

Let us dive into some of the most common questions regarding roof hail damage.

Table of Contents

  1. How does Hail Season Affect my Roof? 
  2. How to Identify Hail Damage on My Roof.
  3. Hail Damage Roof Repair in Denver, Colorado.  

How does Hail Season Affect my Roof? 

Hail season has arrived, which means that clouds will form without notice on a hot day, and balls of ice will suddenly begin to fall from the sky. Hail can range in diameter from a dime to a golf ball, and it can land with enough power and momentum to cause significant damage. After a hailstorm, you may be relieved that your business suffered only minor impacts. However, many individuals are unaware that even minor hail damage can have long-term and costly consequences. 

Bill Voss once offered sound advice to business owners with the intention of helping them grasp the full scope of hail damage and take preventative measures before the next storm arrives. Though the talk was geared towards business, the same principles apply to homeowners. We have adapted his core ideas for you below.   

Understandably, some homeowners differ in making an insurance claim if they can avoid it. Multiple claims on your policy can cause your premiums to rise, and you do not want to be accused of making unnecessary repairs. Although pockmarked shingles might not seem like claim-worthy damage, the effects of “superficial” damage can range from minor leaks to the total loss of the structure.  

For this reason, it is essential for homeowners to always have the roof of their home inspected after a hail storm. Homeowners in Colorado are likely to see more than one hail storm each year, often from May to September. Colorado is included in a part of the country called ‘Hail Alley’ due to the weather patterns and the number of hail storms that fall each summer. Some of the other states included are Texas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma.  Denver Roofers offers a free estimate for your property, allowing you to have your roof inspected after each hail storm stress-free.  

A Timeline of How Hail Damage on Your Roof can Progress if it is Not Repaired:

Immediately Following the Hail Storm 

Shingles that have been struck by hailstones may or may not have noticeable dents. However, even small-sized dents can impact the well-being of your home. Granules knocked off of shingles can negatively affect your roof in two ways. The first is by filling your home’s gutters, blocking the flow of excess water from your roof, and causing it to back up. The second is due to the exposure. As parts of the shingle break off, the asphalt layer underneath loses its protection. Exposure to the weather will loosen the bond between the remaining granules and the asphalt over time.  

Within Weeks After the Hail Storm

Each day, ultraviolet light from the sun shines down on exposed portions of the shingles. For homeowners in Colorado, keep in mind how minimal our protection is over a mile high in the atmosphere. UV rays weaken the asphalt layer and make shingles brittle. Our drastic temperature swings in Denver cause the shingle to expand and contract, further compromising damaged areas.

What to Expect Months After a Hail Storm 

As the months go by, the seasons continue to pass. With winter approaching, cold weather begins to set in. Damaged shingles may crack in colder weather, causing tiny holes where water can leak down into the roof. Water leaks can lead to needing more severe repairs down the road. Additionally, shingles that have lost many granules may curl at the edges, making them easily torn off in high winds.

Unrepaired Roof Hail Damage a Year Later 

Granules continue to flake off as time passes, making your shingles less and less effective at preventing leaks. Water leaks can seep into your attic, storage areas, or utility closets, causing electrical problems or damage to your stored valuables. If leaks are not immediately corrected, the surrounding wood may rot or succumb to mold, forcing structural repairs to your home, your once safe space.

Insurers will often deny claims for hail damage that could have been avoided if the repairs were requested immediately after the storm. From the insurer’s perspective, this makes sense as the provider would rather pay for a small amount of damage immediately rather than rebuild the entire structure later. Policyholders often have a window of time to collect fair payment for weather-related claims. Claims filed after this window could forfeit the right to compensation.  

Overall, the longer you leave hail damaged shingles untouched, the grander the repairs needed to your roof and home are likely to be. This can also affect how much of the cost of repairs your home insurance company is willing to reimburse you for.  

How to Identify Roof Damage

Living in Denver, Colorado, means your home will be up against some of Mother Nature’s most prominent elements each season. When damage to the outside of your home is not repaired, it can lead to more significant problems inside your home. Here is an overview to assess your home after a storm.  

Inspect the Inside of Your Home

If applicable, the first place you will want to check is the attic. Look around for leaks, dark stains, holes, or sagging sheathing. Also, pay attention to the ceilings throughout your home, keeping an eye out for stains, mold, and mildew. If you find any of these, be sure to reach out to a professional on how to safely proceed.  

Inspect the Outside of Your Home

Get the closest view of your roof possible. If you are comfortable, you could climb up a ladder to see the roof up close. Otherwise, a pair of binoculars can help give you a close-up view from the ground. While inspecting the roof, pay attention to the shingles. Ruptured or rusty nails could indicate missing shingles. Notice if the shingles are cracked, ripped, or warped.  

From the street, you can get a more comprehensive view of your roof as a whole. Look for dark areas, missing shingles, or any areas drooping. These are definite signs it is time to call a professional roofing contractor in Denver.  

If you can, remove any debris from the gutters and downspouts, and inspect them for sagging spots, leaks, or blockages preventing proper drainage. 

Professional Hail Damage Roof Repair in Denver 

Hail damage is something any Coloradan should be ready to act on. However, that does not mean that you need to do it all yourself. Denver residents hit by hail storms can reach out to Denver Roofers LLC for all of your hail damage roof repair needs. Our team includes insurance claim specialists, who are more than happy to walk through the repair process with you, giving you peace of mind along the way. We can work directly with your home insurance company, allowing you to focus on your family and daily life rather than playing telephone between your local roofing contractor and your home insurance.  

At Denver Roofers, we understand the impact a hail storm can have on your home. This is why we offer free inspections of your entire property and can be there within as little as 24 hours. As Denver’s trusted local roofing contractor, we are proud of our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. Repairing your hail damaged roof in Denver today with Denver Roofers will protect your family and home for years to come. We prioritize quality at each step along the way, from customer service to the quality of materials and the quality of work performed on your home. Learn more about how we can help repair your hail damaged roof and why we are Denver’s trusted licensed professional roofing contractor.  



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